
14 Results / Page 2 of 2

Bishop Jacob Muricken

Luminous Radio Malayalam

Catholic Bishop Jacob Muricken donated his Kidney to help a hindu man with kidney failure.

A bishop in India is leading by example during the Year of Mercy with an act of great generosity. Syro-Malabar Catholic bishop Jacob Muricken is donating his kidney to save the life of a young Hindu man. Bishop Muricken, 52-years-old and from the state of Kerala in southern India, says he has “no anxiety” about the surgery and that “it’s only a simple sacrifice for a fellow being.” Sooraj Sudhakaran is the 30-year-old who will receive the kidney. He is […]

today9th June 2016 104

Catholic Nun

A cloistered nun steps out of her order, to go back with a PhD in aerospace engineering

AMONG THE 23 odd scholars who were conferred the prestigious PhD degree at the 8th convocation of the Defence Institute of Advance Technology (DIAT) in Pune Tuesday, Roschelle RM stood out and rightly so. Dressed in the habits of her religious order, Roschelle —now known as Sister Benedicta of the Holy Face— was the only nun among the scholars who collected their degrees. In fact, she had obtained special permission from her Superiors to attend the ceremony as outside contact […]

today7th June 2016 74

Life in Holy Spirit by Sr. Sunitha Ruby

Catholic Talk

Breakfast with Sr. Sunitha

Breakfast with Sr. Sunitha Breakfast with Sr. Sunitha, a new series on Luminous Radio Channel with Catholic Nun Sr. Sunitha Ruby will be broadcasted every Monday on Luminous Radio Malayalam Channel. This weekly program will feature inspiring talk by Sister on various catholic topics.

today17th May 2016 94


Pentecost – Birthday of Catholic Church

On May 15th, 2016 Catholic Church Celebrated Pentecost. The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of Pentecost as being: “The fiftieth day at the end of the seven weeks following Passover (Easter in the Christian dispensation).  At the first Pentecost after the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given and communicated as a Divine Person to the Church, fulfilling the Paschal Mystery of Christ according to His promise” (726, 731; cf. 1287; also: Cf. Catechism, Glossary, […]

today17th May 2016 3261
