Catholic Church

Next World Youth Day in Panama in 2019, says Pope

today1st August 2016 183 2

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Pope Francis has announced that the next World Youth Day, the Catholic youth festival, will be held in Panama in 2019.

“I am happy to announce that the next World Youth Day will take place in 2019 in Panama,” he said at the end of a mass attended by over 2.5 million pilgrims near the city of Krakow in Poland.

It will be the first time a pope visits the Central American country since Pope John Paul II’s trip there in 1983.

World Youth Day Panama 2019 announcement was done by Pope Francis as he wrapped up this year’s global gathering of young Catholic faithful in Kraków, Poland.

Earlier today, the Pope encouraged hundreds of thousands of young people gathered in Kraków to “believe in a new humanity” which refuses to use borders as barriers and spurns hatred among peoples.

Written by: Luminous Radio

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  1. Mohsin Masih on 9th July 2017

    my wish pop conference interest i like pop john God bless you All Christians i love Jesus Christ
